2024 Design Awards
Call for Entries
Bang Design Studios and Press Architecture with their Merit Award for Residential Architecture Photo by Patrick Martinez
After you have registered a project, you will be sent a firm-specific upload link to share your submitted materials through Drobox. Please see the “Imagery” section of the guidelines for file name conventions.
Upload Materials by 5:00p Friday, March 1, 2024
Step 2 - Project Registration Form
Once you have registered a project, you will be sent a project-specific ID number for each project. Click the link below to download the project form. Please complete this form for each project and return to design_awards@aiaspokane.org. and upload with your submission.
Step 3 - Upload Submission Materials
Step 4 - Deliver Presentation Board
Presentation boards sent to Minute Man Press, Formerly Standard Printworks, will be picked up by AIA Spokane. If printing elsewhere please coordinate with AIA Spokane to deliver presentation board. See Guidelines for requirements.
Step 5 - Register for the Awards Ceremony
Each project submission includes one (1) ticket to the design awards on March 21, 2024 at the Spokane Convention Center. Please purchase additional tickets.
Registration Deadline 5pm Friday, February 16, 2024
Emailed registration forms and fee must be received by the registration deadline.
All entry fees are non-refundable.
Submission Deadline 5pm, Friday, March 1, 2024
Presentation materials must be submitted to Dropbox, link to file will be shared when you register.
Awards Banquet: Thursday, March 21, 2024
By participating, all entrants grant AIA Spokane a non-exclusive license to post the entries online for the public to view. In addition, each winner grants to AIA Spokane a license for use of winning entry in connection with AIA Spokane Design Awards, in any media, including but not limited to: publication in newspapers, magazines and AIA Spokane sponsored exhibitions of the work. AIA Spokane will not be required to pay any additional consideration or seek any additional approval in connection with such use. Submission to this program implies permission from the photographers or any project-related stakeholders.
Please contact;
AIA Spokane Executive Director
Andrew Parker, office@aiaspokane.org
Design Award Chair
Tyler Gates, tgates@alscarchitects.com
Design Awards Committee
Lupe Barajas, lbarajas@nacarchitecture.com
Jason Bond, jbond@integrusarch.com
Professionals view student work as part of the Regional Student Design Awards Photo by Patrick Martinez
The Jury reserves the right to grant the number and type of awards. Awards may be presented as follows:
Honor, Merit, or Citation Awards: awarded to Built projects.
Merit or Citation Awards: awarded to Unbuilt and Conceptual projects.
Craftsmanship Award: awarded to a project that demonstrates superior construction.
Sustainability Award: awarded to a project that successfully integrates design excellence with environmental awareness, resource efficiency, and social responsibility.
People’s Choice Award: Awarded the night of the awards ceremony based on votes
In 2024, AIA Spokane will be awarding not only the architect but also the owner, general contractor, and the consultant (engineer, lighting designer, acoustician, etc…) identified by the architect.
The Jury
Selection of Jurors is conducted by the Design Awards Committee members.
Juror selection is based upon the desire to locate impartial individuals who represent high levels of achievement, design quality, professional integrity and regional awareness. Every attempt is made to create a balanced panel that will provide fair judgment to all entries. The Jury will be represented at the Design Awards Ceremony. Complete vitae of the jury will be included in the AIA Spokane newsletter as it is finalized.
Submittal Guidelines
A. Jury Presentation
A single PDF file – 17 pages maximum, 30MB maximum file size. All materials contained in this file must be anonymous. (For example, do not include any firm identifiers, or logos.)
File naming format: Project ID_Jury Presentation.pdf.
Descriptive Data Sheet (Page 1 of Jury Presentation)
Project name
Project location: Municipality, State
Square footage: Total gross square footage. Use site size for urban design and planning projects.
Project synopsis: 300 words MAXIMUM. Summarize the project, its physical context, the ideas behind it, the challenges it presented and how they were investigated and resolved. DO NOT identify the architect, designer, or firm in any way.
Imagery (Pages 2-13, or 2-17 of the Jury Presentation)
Each page shall be landscape format, no larger than 11x17in. Photos, diagrams and annotation may be grouped onto each page. It is up to the presenter to determine the composition of each page. Images may include, but are not limited to: photographs, floor plans, site plans, sections and elevations and other illustrative drawings. These images are meant for graphic representation of the project. Limit any text to a maximum of 20 words per page. Conceptual, sustainable, technical and programmatic diagrams are encouraged.
The presentation must include an indication of the project’s physical context through images of the surroundings/site character. Please key photos to plans and site plans.
Use 12 pages maximum for new projects or 16 pages for renovation projects. The four additional pages allotted to renovation projects should describe existing conditions before and after the renovation and contain other material highlighting the reuse or adaptation of the site or building.
If the project authorship is revealed on any part of the descriptive data sheet or electronic images the entry will be disqualified.
The Descriptive Data Sheet and Imagery for the Jury Presentation should be grouped and saved into a single PDF file. Place the Descriptive Data Sheet as the first page in the presentation. Images are to be a minimum of 200 dots per inch (DPI). Submittals may not contain sound, animation, video clips, panorama movies, hyperlinks, or links to other files. All digital images are to be suitable for viewing with a standard front screen LCD projector. Do not identify the architect, designer, or firm in any way in the file name.
B. Representative Images
Provide three (3) representative digital images of the project. These images are intended to be used in the media, on the AIA website, in the Awards Banquet presentation, or for other uses. Do not identify the architect, designer, or firm in any way in these images. Each image is to be a .jpg or .png file no larger than 20MB.
File naming format: Project ID_Representative Image 1.jpg, etc.
C. Presentation Board
Provide a 20” x 20” presentation board for public exhibition of all submitted projects.
Use 1⁄2” solid black foam core or other suitable warp-proof material boards for backgrounds of all presentation boards. Presentation boards sent to Minute Man Press, formerly Standard Printworks, will be picked up by AIA Spokane. If your board is printed elsewhere please make arrangements to deliver to the AIA Spokane office
The configuration of images, drawings and text is open to the entrant’s discretion. The board, however, must adequately communicate the design of the project. Color or black and white images are acceptable.
The project and architect name must be displayed on the board.
Boards of all entries will be held by AIA Spokane indefinitely for use by the Chapter for public display and possible publication.
These boards will not be reviewed by the jurors.
File naming format: Project ID_Presentation Board.pdf.
View 2022 Design Award Winners
Design Awards Presenting Sponsor
Photography Sponsor
Architecture > $10M ($300)
Honor, Merit or Citation Awards
Built projects including new buildings of all types excluding additions and alterations to existing buildings with a construction budget over 10 million dollars.
Architecture < $10M ($200)
Honor, Merit or Citation Awards Built projects including new buildings of all types excluding additions and alterations to existing buildings with a construction budget under 10 million dollars.
Renovation Architecture, Tenant Improvements & Interior Architecture ($200)
Honor, Merit or Citation Awards
Built projects including additions and renovations to existing buildings, this also includes historic restoration, historic rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse. Includes AIA Spokane Allied Members. Professional license not required to submit in this category.
Residential Architecture ($150)
Honor, Merit or Citation Awards
Residential conceptual, new, or residential renovations. Project examples are not limited to single family but multi-family, student housing, and similar projects should be submitted in the “Architecture > $10M” or “Architecture < $10M” categories.
Unbuilt ($150)
Merit or Citation Awards
Professional projects that have not or will not be completed. Examples include but are not limited to: spec projects or projects that are still in a design phase.
Conceptual ($50)
Merit or Citation Awards
Conceptual category celebrates projects that are not intended to be built but that broaden our understanding of design and the built environment. Lacks schedule to completion. Examples include but are not limited to: Competition Entries, Research Projects, Student or Thesis Work and Unbuilt Projects.
Step 1 - Register Each Project
To encourage excellence in all types and areas of architecture, the Spokane Chapter of the American Institute of Architects announces its Design Awards Program for 2024. Through the program, the Chapter seeks to honor works of distinction by its members and to bring public attention to outstanding architectural services rendered by its members.
Jury Criteria
Each entry will be judged for the success with which the project has met its individual requirements. Entries will be weighed individually, not in competition with each other. The size and location of a project will in no way limit its eligibility. Members may submit as many projects for consideration as they wish. Jury considerations include design quality, functional utility, economy, environmental harmony, sustainability, accessibility, aesthetic delight, creativity, craftsmanship and innovation. The Jury uses submitted written and visual material for their analysis. It is imperative that this information describe the project as clearly and accurately as possible. Submissions are to conform to the standards listed below.
An entry must have been designed by either an AIA Member or AIA Associate Member* who is a current member of AIA Spokane. For projects in which an AIA Spokane member has joint ventured or retained a design consultant, the AIA Spokane member must be the Architect-of-Record, Principal-in-charge, or the principal designer. Entries not meeting these criteria will be disqualified from the Design Awards Program. Where responsibility for a project is shared, all participants who substantially contributed to the work must be credited. Built submissions must have been a commissioned entry from an actual client, with the entrant/designer being the architect of record. Projects which have previously received AIA Spokane design awards are ineligible for resubmission. *AIA Associate members who receive awards may not be eligible to advance their submission to the Regional or National level.
Entries must be, or must have been, completed between January 1, 2019 and February 16, 2024. Previous AIA Spokane Design Awards winners are ineligible to resubmit. There is not a limit on the number of projects that can be submitted or the number of categories that can be submitted to.